Best Gaming laptops-Play games on a laptop has become a habit that is very enjoyable.
Moreover, if the laptop is designed specifically for
games, game play will certainly be more comfortable and exciting again.
Some games require the specification is quite large, and probably will not be a regular laptop might be able to play the game, although it can be when playing the game will seem slow to affect your game play.
Advances in technology make laptops specifically designed only for playing games, it was created so that the gamers are satisfied with the
games that he played.
There may be many brands of laptops designed specifically for playing games, but this laptop is the best laptop to play games, and the following ten best laptop to play games.
Best Gaming laptops-ASUS G750
Best Gaming laptops |
This is a beast of a laptop. I'm a software engineering consultant and have to have a laptop that is reliable, rugged, and fast! This computer came with 12GB and was a screamer already with a boot up time of less than 30 sec. I installed a SSD and bumped the mem to 32GB and it boots now in about 15 seconds. The screen is great, nice and big the way I wanted it and the backlit keyboards are easy on the eyes after hours of coding. The full first year of warranty comes with a no-fault policy where they will replace it even if you spill something on it! Nobody has that warranty! Honestly...I highly recommend this laptop to anybody, especially if you earn your living with it
I'm not a pro gamer or a laptop hardcore fan. However I wanted a fairly good PC replacement laptop to run simulations and also to play games.
A friend of mine recomended it to me, and as far as I can tell has a great price-performance ratio. The laptop itself is huge but I really like it. The 17 inch dislpay is beautiful and if you choose the right settings it can look amazing. This thing is fast as hell, it can run 3D mathematical simulations asap and most of the programs open in a split of a second. I know that you can even boost it more by adding an HDD hard drive and other thecnical stuff, but for now I'm good.
The only things that have let me down is that it gets dirty really easy, so you have to clean it constantly. Other thing I didn't love was Windows 8, I took a long time getting the hang of it and I still dont like the touch screen home page, since I find it useles. However it is pretty fast still. I would also love for it to come with a blu-ray driver, and maybe a case to carry it around since it is heavy as hell.
I'm fairly pleased with it and I can run all the games I have on Max settings. If you're looking for an amazing laptop this one is for you, and if you throw a couple of bucks into it, you can have a monster.
Best Gaming laptops-Alienware M14x
Best Gaming laptops |
For your perspective into my review, I am a middle aged professor of Computer Studies that still enjoys gaming and owns several gaming laptops. I received the Alienware M14x R2 laptop in good condition and have been testing it out for the last few days. I will give in this review my first impression of this gaming laptop.
I picked this laptop mainly for it weight and size. Most gaming laptop exceeds 9 pounds this one weighs in at under 7 lbs. with the battery and charger included. Be aware that most sellers list weighs on their laptops without the battery installed or charger included.
Size is 13.25 x 9.5 x 1.5 and the charger is 6 x 3 x 1. (inches)
The M14x R2 included a 750 GB hard drive even though the listing on Amazon stated a 500. It is a 7200 RPM which is faster than the normal 5400 RPM that most laptops have.
The 1366 X 768 resolution 14 inch monitor is clear and sharp. You can run either the integrated graphics (Intel 4000) or the 650m NVidia depending on the application. When using a 14 inch monitor you will not see much difference by going up to a higher resolution. If you want to check out the difference there are several YouTube’s that run side by side comparisons to the 768 and 900 resolutions. Really the 1366 X 768 is a sweet spot for 14’ monitors. You can always connect it to an external monitor and run it at higher resolutions but for portability the 14 is a good carry size.
The sound on this laptop is best that I have ever found. Uses a Creative labs Soundblaster TRX. I am really impressed with the sound quality from the laptop speakers. With headphones it is even better.
The laptop contains very strong Wi-Fi card. This Wi-Fi picks up signals from down the block that none of my other laptops will and on campus my signal strength is much stronger than before.
The laptop comes with very little bloat ware. It came with Steam preinstalled, trial version of Office 2013, CyberLink Media Essentials, Creative labs software(for sound card control panel), McAfee antivirus 30 trial, and with Alienware applications that allow you to control the color screens on the keyboard and case. There are 7 zones of lighting and each can be different, set to pulse or morph modes, and can be activated by an application. For example I can have the 2 front case lights pulse red for incoming email or change the colors of the keyboards lights depending on which game I am playing. They can also be turn off.
Windows 8 is installed but it will boot into the desktop after you logon allowing you to skip the normal and very annoying Win 8 Metro screen startup screen. It would have been better in my opinion for a gaming laptop to have Windows 7 installed. I can understand the sales reasons behind installing the newest OS but Win 8 does not play as nice with games as Win 7. The only problems I have encountered in playing games are all traced back to Win 8. I am aware of this from having worked with both operating systems and dealing with my students and their problems. (I teach a class that uses gaming toolsets and creations of game modules). Hopefully these will be corrected in the service packs.
Gaming Benchmarks:
Games I have played in testing: Borderland 2, Metro 2033, Tomb Raider (new release), Skyrim, Bioware Infinite, and Fallout 3 - New Vegas. All games played at medium to high resolutions. All these games average 39fps to 60fps. Infinite benchmark tested at high setting with average of 54fps, Tomb Raider benchmark tested using game installed setting and got 39.7fps. At custom setting in Tomb Raider I got up to 45fps easily.
Very short battery life as expected with any gaming laptop. The battery is an internal design. You cannot switch out or remove the battery. In running Borderlands 2 in Very High mode I got 63 minutes of play before the 10% battery warning came on. If you run applications that use the integrated graphics only you can get over 2 hours of operations.
The hinges on the lid are more center based instead of being set to the outer edge. They are set 3 inches in from the outer edge. This makes it weaker than other styles. You should never pick up or move your laptop from the lid and always open and close it from the top center. The most common case breakage on laptops is the hinges. I don’t see this as a real problem for me since I treat my computers with reasonable care.
There are no easy access panels to swap out hard drives or memory. You have to take the case apart.
Some may think the fan is loud at full loads. It is louder than a normal laptop but not for a gaming laptop. I have an XPS and an Asus M55 which are both louder at similar loads.
High quality hardware that runs modern games at reasonable and very playable speeds. This laptop is a little high in price for a 14 inch but very portable at this size and weight. If you don’t mind a few extra pounds and a larger format then go for the 15 inch Asus or MSI gaming computer for around the same price but with lower specs in some areas such as the processor, hard drives, and video. Don’t be misled that larger numbers in video cards mean better performance. A 650m will outperform a 730m in many areas and a 750 takes an enormous power brick to run it. In my opinion, at this time the 650m is one of the best all-around mobile video cards on the market and pair with the 3630Q i7 CPU and a 750GB hard drive make this a solid laptop in this price range.
Best Gaming laptops |
I love this laptop. I am selling my pimped out Origin EON15 S now that I've received this one.
I go to college and I have big gaps in between classes so I wanted a laptop that I could bring with me to school, but still play games in between classes. This laptop weighs nothing (take into consideration I'm coming from the Origin) and on top of that, the brick is soo small. I hated bringing my Origin to school because the fans were loud and it just looks ridiculous when you place it on your desk to use microsoft word. I have a desktop at my house so there was no point in having a desktop-replacement-style laptop.
The battery on this thing is insane. It lasts longer than my old 15" Mid 2010 Macbook Pro which I always thought was really good. I get through 2 back to back classes and still have battery to spare. I've never seen a notification telling me that the battery was low.
The thing that had me most reluctant to buying this was that I thought the screen was going to suck, but this is not the case. The screen is really good. Not crappy or just "ok" like many of the reviews say. The viewing angles bother me more than I thought they would have, but that's just because I can't sit still in class so I'm always adjusting the screen. Games look sharp and crisp and the color looks great as well.
In terms of performance, the blade does everything I want from it. I mostly play League of Legends, which isn't a graphics intensive game, so I don't really push the computer. I recently installed Dishonored and Fable: Lost Chapters and it runs both of those really well. I average 90 fps on max everything, windowed-borderless in League of Legends. I could get 140 fps on my Origin, but I can fit 3 blades inside that laptop haha.
Things that could be better:
The laptop doesn't sit flush/flat on desks. It has a slight wobble that is pretty annoying.
A magnetic charger would have been cool. I'm always paranoid that someone is going to trip over my cable and send it flying (who cares about the injured person).
My Origin laptop had a key that turned off the trackpad which is really cool when I use a mouse (all the time) so my palm doesn't mess around with the trackpad at the same time the mouse is. You might be able to change this with razer synapse 2.0, but I haven't checked yet.
I hate the fact that they stick the windows key on the bottom of the laptop and the intel sticker on the top of the inside of the laptop. I tried taking off those types of sticker before with little luck and this only seems worse because the finish of the laptop is matte. The intel sticker is also slightly crooked which makes my eye twitch.
tl;dr The Razer Blade is amazing as an actually portable laptop that you carry around with you everywhere. It isn't a desktop replacement, but it can do 99% of what I need it to do.
If you are buying a laptop for work or daily use and expect to do some light gaming once in a while then this will be a waste of money. If you buy this to have a light and slim laptop to play games and maybe do some other stuff then this is the one to get.
Build quality is excellent, the only exception is chintzy touchpad buttons, but it is certainly not a deal breaker.
I don't understand complaints about the display. Yes it is a TN display and it is 1600 x 900. Here's the thing - once again, if you buy this laptop to play games then this is the right screen. Yes, we are getting more and more 120 Hz IPS monitors and G-sync is on the way, so in 2 years we will have similar laptops with much better screens, but for now TN is the way to go. Same about resolution - this laptop has Geforce 765M and this is about as much resolution as it can handle in modern games. I'd rather have a lower res screen and play with better framerate at native resolution as opposed to playing at non-native resolution and slow frame rates or with greatly decreased visual quality. \
So far quite happy with it because I wanted to play Borderlands 2 and Metro-Last Light on the go and Razer Blade 14 certaily delivers.
Best Gaming laptops |
I've had the computer for a month and a half now and I can say that it is an excellent machine. I have it with the dual Nvidia 650M and core i5 for the purpose as my gaming and Photoshop machine.
True to Lenovo form the keyboard is incredibly comfortable, although less comfortable than the Thinkpad laptops of old but more comfortable than the Macbook laptops. The right shift and enter key are a little small in order to fit the number-pad which is understandable, great backlighting and easy to use shortcut features.
The display is great, at the full HD resolution and colors pop, it is especially noticeable when playing beautiful games like Batman Arkham City or watching an HD quality film. However the glossy display which makes it difficult to use in rooms with fluorescent lighting or outdoors. Sometimes webpages can feel really small, but that is a problem with Windows 8 scaling rather than the display itself.
I love the understanded look to it, with it's all black/brushed aluminium feel and red accenting. The unified color scheme makes it a pretty thing to look at, the opposite of the garish MSI and Alienware gaming laptops.
The graphics, oh my goodness the graphics. I've been playing a vast variety of games: Civilization V, Batman Arkham City, Saints Row The Third, GTA IV, Far Cry 3, and many more. I haven't done any benchmarking, but it has had no problems playing high graphics quality at native resolution. It has been a joy to play on this computer. Especially if you pair it with a good gaming mouse.
There are a few gripes I have with the machine. The trackpad is basically broken. It squirms and twitches at certain points and the left and right click built into the trackpad are far worse than the ones in the Macbooks. I would have preferred to have dedicated right and left buttons, but I use a mouse most of the time anyway, which generally solves the problem.
The computer can also be awfully slow at times, due mainly to the 5400rpm hard drive. I have been so used to an SSD I installed in my last computer that this can feel sometimes frustrating, but for day to day use it is acceptable, just don't expect blazing speeds Although it is easily overlooked since it is 1TB and can fit all my media with ease. Have 50 games, 100,000 photos, and 8,000 songs on it and it still has plenty of space left over.
The battery life is pretty terrible, but this is essentially a desktop replacement so you wouldn't be moving it around much anyway.
It is a
great performing laptop, and certainly the best gaming laptop at the price point or any price point below $1,700. If you are looking for an affordable, gaming/multimedia computer then spring for this. You won't regret it.
Best Gaming laptops |
I've known about Alienware for years now, but had only ever known one person who owned one. I knew the reputation, I knew the look, I knew the reviews. So I replaced my 17" VAIO with this behemoth. Let's review.
FIRST: Sleek, black, huge, heavy - for a laptop. But this is not the kind of laptop to tuck under your arm and lug around the office; you set it down and PLAY. Same goes for the power supply - the thing is comically over-sized. I felt like a hobbit holding it! But with a need for 250W, it has to be that way.
SOUND: Without a doubt, the best and richest sound I've ever heard out of a laptop. Bass is strong, the treble powerful. No tinny, cruddy speakers, these.
HEAT: The advantage to all of that aluminum is excellent heat dissipation. Also, there are dual air intakes and dual exhausts in the back, directing the heat away from you. (Too many laptops vent to the side!) Playing Borderlands 2 at max settings, the laptop got slightly warm but nowhere near the point of discomfort. So it may weigh down your lap, but it won't singe your short-n-curlies.
THE ALIEN FACTOR: Sexy light schemes, MASSIVELY configurable touchpad, set of bonus keys for gaming on the left side of the keyboard, tons of peripheral slots. They know their audience.
PERFORMANCE: This is difficult to rate, because nothing I could do was the least bit challenging to the system. "Crysis 3, maximum settings? YAWN. Tell me when you have some DIFFICULT software to run." You are going to have 1-2 years after buying this system of total max-settings freedom. No lag, drag, or latency doing anything.
DOWNSIDE: Hardly any. The worst thing I could find in this laptop was Windows 8.
SUMMARY: Go big or go home. If you don't mind the heaviness of this game-eating monster, there are no downsides, there is no competition, you WILL be assimilated.